Ready to start writing?
Choose the plan that's best for you.
Organize your writing
with tags, to-dos, and text editing.
Edit manuscripts
Create unlimited tags
80+ tag templates
Add to-dos
Set daily goals & see statistics
Work offline
Give feedback on others' work
Please note that the free plan does not include cloud storage. Data is stored locally in your
browser only.
Data is easy to export at any time.
Learn more about storage & exports >
$48.00 $40.00 / year = 2 months free
Store your work with secure cloud backups and sync between devices.
Edit manuscripts
Create unlimited tags
80+ tag templates
Add to-dos
Set daily goals & see statistics
Work offline
Give feedback on others' work
Sync between devices
Back up your work to secure cloud storage
Request feedback on scenes
$180.00 $150.00 / year = 2 months free
Save time and maximize productivity with AI-driven features.
Edit manuscripts
Create unlimited tags
80+ tag templates
Add to-dos
Set daily goals & see statistics
Work offline
Give feedback on others' work
Sync between devices
Back up your work to secure cloud storage
Request feedback on scenes
Auto-generate outlines based on plot summaries
Generate reference images from tags
Automatic tagging
Request AI feedback